10 Classes held on Monday or Wednesdays weekly from 6pm-9pm with a small 15-30 min break to include Lecture/Lab
30 hours Classroom/Lab training
Externship–2 days/week in assigned dental practice for 4 weeks = 64 Extern hours
Total Hours completed for Graduation: 94 hours
A Course Time Hour is at least 50 minutes of instruction during a 60-minute period.
Monday #1
Class #1A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Introduction to 10 Week Program
Overview of Classes, Labs, & Externship
Review of Exams given and passing grades
Role of the Dental Assistant in the Dental Office
Discuss Required Certificates (RDA & CPR) or optional certificates N20 Monitoring, Sealants, Coronal Polishing)
Orientation to the physical set up & equipment in the Dental Office
Class #1B
General Dental Terminology, Patient Charts & the Role of the Dental Assistant
General Dental Terminology
Dental Anatomy & Tooth Surfaces
Introduction to Records Management – Forms and Documentation
Assistant’s Role in the Collection & Recording of Clinical Data & Patient Communication
Prepare Student to assist in the preliminary exam of a patient
Chart dental conditions, Take & prepare diagnostic aids
Take & record patient Vital Signs & Document treatment
Comprehend & Explain to Patient oral health information
Instruct Patient Pre-& Post-Treatment
Wednesday #2
Class #2 Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
R.D.A. (Radiology Certificate) Prep Class with State Board Exam
Covers the fundamentals of Radiology, Infection Control and Jurisprudence for Dental Assistants as mandated by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners. This class/exam is the first step in the process of applying for Registration with the TSBDE to receive the designation of Registered Dental Assistant. Dental Assistants must hold this Certificate of Completion and be Registered with the State of Texas if they use radiation in the Dental Office.
Course Topics and Objectives
Fundamentals of Dental Radiography & Principles of Radiation Biology
X-ray image Production Principles & Intra/Extraoral Radiographic Procedures
Principles of film placement and beam alignment
Radiographic chemistry and processing techniques for film, Identify & Correct errors
Protection requirements for patients and operators
Digital Imaging
HIPAA regulations and requirements & Infection Control Rules of the TSBDE
Sterilization vs. Disinfection
Personal protection and surface barriers/Instrument Processing & Aseptic Techniques
TSBDE Jurisprudence Rules & Regulations for Dental Assistants
Professional Conduct & Minimum Standard of Care
Monday #3
Morning Class #3A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Radiology – Hands On
Select & Practice Chairside Techniques:
Appropriate Radiographic Techniques & Equipment/Instrumentation to be used
Appropriate Infection Control Techniques & Barriers to minimize cross-contamination
Patient management techniques before, during, & after radiographic exposures
Expose dental films/imaging devices using various techniques
Evaluate radiographs for Diagnostic Value & how to then Mount Properly
Identify Anatomic Structures, Dental Materials & Patient Information on radiographs
Apply Principles of Radiation Protection & Practice Safety Measures for Patient & Operator
Discuss Proper Storage & Disposal of Chemical Agents used for film processing
Implement Quality Assurance Procedures
Class #3B
Infection Control – Hands On
Give the Student the Opportunity to Demonstrate the following:
Collect & Record Data while Preventing Cross-Contamination & Disease Transmission
Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment & Surface Barriers Chairside, Lab & Sterilization
Select & Perform Disinfection & Sterilization Methods – Instrument Processing
Maintain Aseptic Conditions
Incorporate All Safety Measures & OSHA Standards & Guidelines
Wednesday #4
Class #4A: Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Course Topics and Objectives:
History of N20 Sedation
Texas Jurisprudence-Legal Provisions
Equipment & Safety Issues
Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology
Stages of Anesthesia and Sedation
Patient Monitoring and Case Studies
Complications and Prevention Management
Staff Safety
Class 4B
Sealants & Coronal Polishing
Placing sealants
Basics of coronal polishing
Monday #5
#5A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Chairside Dental Materials
Teach Students to Prepare, Mix, Deliver & Store
Impression Materials
Restorative Materials
Sedative/Palliative Materials
Any Other Materials used in a dental procedure
Afternoon Class #5B
Chairside Dental Procedures
4 Handed Dentistry Techniques & Moisture Control
Selection & Preparation of the Armamentarium for Procedure
Perform or Assist with Intraoral Procedures
Management of Patient before, during & after Dental Procedure
Wednesday #6
Class #6A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Lab Material & Procedures
Prepare Student to:
Select & Manipulate Lab Materials
Perform Lab Procedures
Class #6B
Prevention & Management of Emergencies
Prepare Student to:
Implement Techniques for Prevention of Medical Emergencies
Review Medical/Dental History
Demonstrate Preventive Measures to Avoid Drug-Induced Emergencies
Recognize Signs & Symptoms related to specific Medical Conditions & Emergencies
Respond & Assist with Management of Chairside Emergencies
Monday #7
Class #7A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Office Operations
Instruct Student on the following:
Maintain & Control Supplies in the areas of Equipment, Instruments & Materials
Patient Reception
Communication with Patients, the Dentist, and other Team Members
Accounts Receivable and the Importance of Properly entering Treatment Performed
Class #7B
People & Dentistry, Employment Skills & Job Interview Techniques
Students learn how to deal with people in the Dental Office. Includes understanding patient attitudes, reassuring the patient, personal appearance, dress codes, personal attitudes, and Dental Office “do's and don't's”. Job interview techniques are presented including describing the type of job the Dental Assistant is seeking and what they offer the employer, locating employment opportunities, constructing a resume, interviewing skills, answering interview questions, and salary negotiation. Students practice a mock job interview from the telephone response to a one-on-one interview.
Wednesday #8
Class #8A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Lab Role Play
Students role-play by rotating through each position in the Dental Office, performing the procedures taught while acting as the Dentist, Dental Assistant, and Patient.
Class #8B
Functions of a Dental Assistant/Lab
Taking Impressions, pouring up models, x-ray techniques, treatment planning. Hands-on practice.
Monday #9
Class #9A Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Specialties, Insurance & Prescriptions
Review of General Daily Duties in the Dental Office such as a Daily Huddle, Team Goals, etc.
Class #9B
Review of Final Exam
Question & Answer Period
Final Preparation for Exam
Wednesday #10
Subject Hours: 3 Hours Total (1 hrs Lecture/2 hrs Lab)
Class 10
Final Exam, Group Lunch, Graduation Ceremony
Upon Passing Final Exam, a Dental Assisting School Certificate of Completion will be awarded.
Externship – 64 hours
8 days-8 hours per day- “Hands-On” Experience in Assigned Dental Office
In-office participation in the role of Dental Assistant with Hands-on training in x-ray procedures, infection control and patient care10 Classes held on Monday or Wednesdays weekly from 6pm-9pm with a small 15-30 min break to include Lecture/Lab
Assigned to a specific Dental Office for 2 days per week for 4 weeks
Evaluation of externs with verbal critique by the Dental Office supervisor will occur each day
Written evaluation will be accomplished at the midpoint and end of the Externship. Ratings on the written evaluations will be averaged for the final report. Evaluation forms are included.
The Externship coordinator will visit the Externship sites at least once prior to start of program and be available to discuss any issues with Dental Office supervisor by phone as needed
Externs are required to attend a meeting on the last day of their Externship at which time they will discuss their observations/experiences and will turn in their final Externship report
Although not required, students are encouraged to keep a daily journal of their Externship experiences and observations
Students are required to write a final report that will be turned in on the day of their Externship meeting
Copies of Externship agreements between the school and Externship sites are included in the course syllabus
A student’s final numeric grade will be compiled from the grades earned by the student for work assigned. All hands-on lab work is a Pass/Fail per class which will be factored into the final score along with written evaluation of Externship experience.
Class work is graded as follow:
Excellent | 90-100 |
Good | 80-89 |
Fair | 75-79 |
Failing | Below 75 |
To remain in good standing, the student must maintain a minimum grade average of 75%. Progress will be evaluated at the end of each class. A grade for each subject will be provided to students before the next class day. Lab work is graded on a pass/fail basis. Competency in each task assigned must be demonstrated to the instructor for the student to pass.
All written assignments will be graded and returned to the student to use as study aids for the Final Exam. If at any time the students average drops below 80%, the instructor will notify the student in person. If the student should drop below 75%, the student will be asked to make an appointment with the School Director to discuss their options.
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